Filing of Registrable Controller

The Singapore government made it compulsory for local, foreign, and limited liability partnership companies to maintain a Register of Registrable Controllers from March 2017. In 2020, organizations were also directed to lodge their RORC information with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority’s (ACRA) central Register. Unless exempted, entities must set up, lodge, and maintain their […]
Striking Off a Company

Closing down a local organization or company is known as striking off. Suppose the company or organization is not doing business. In that case, the business can submit an application to the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) requesting to strike off the company name from the Companies Register. First, however, the relevant company needs […]
Annual Return Filing in Singapore

Company incorporation comes with a lot of responsibilities. You not only need to take care of managing your business but also make sure your company is compliant as per government requirements. This applies to every company regardless of its size, activity, or business module. Any miss can cause you a lot of hassles as well […]