What Are The Different Areas Covered Under the Enterprise Financing Scheme (EFS)?


In recent years, the globe has encountered major worldwide issues, and one area that has suffered substantially is the business sector. Therefore, access to correct funding is critical to realising your development objectives, whether you want to build new capabilities, test out new enterprises, or expand your existing business presence overseas. A lot of businesses […]

Four Individuals Convicted for Operating Employment Agencies without a Licence

Employment Agencies without a Licence

Singapore: Four individuals, who are family members and former licensees of different employment agencies (EAs), were convicted on 19 May 2022, 7 July 2022 and 4 August 2022, respectively, for multiple offences under the Employment Agencies Act (EAA) and Employment of Foreign Manpower Act (EFMA). Following the conviction, all four individuals will be debarred from […]