Need Help for your Company Payroll Management
in Singapore?

HeySara offers payroll services to SMEs and ensures that the monthly salary computations are accurate and kept with the strictest confidentiality.

Our team of HR and payroll specialists use a sophisticated cloud payroll software to accurately process all your outsourced payroll data in accordance to the latest statutory policies and requirements in Singapore.

Package for
Payroll Management

Monthly Payroll

Depending on the number of employees you have, our payroll services fee starts at

From $200

What Do I Get

  • Calculating employees’ salaries on a monthly basis
  • Calculating the statutory CPF deductions & performing online CPF submission before the required dateline
  • Generating the necessary payroll related reports and payslips
  • Assisting with salary disbursements via cheque or direct bank transfers
  • Preparing Year-End Personal Tax Form (Form IR8A) for all staff
  • Filing of Tax Clearance for foreign employees (Form IR21)


The Singapore Employment Act requires all companies to provide payslips and pay full salary to their employees within 7 days upon salary period. It is important to comply to the many statutory policies and payroll requirements set. Any wrongful or inaccurate computation of salary, deductions or CPF contributions can put you at risk of getting penalized by the Government.

It is costly for SMEs to hire an in-house Payroll or HR personnel and unless your company is big, he or she may not have enough to do to fill the office hours. By outsourcing your payroll processing to a professional accounting firm, you will be saving both time and money.


Hey! I’m Sara.

I’m at your service. Ready to go?