Should You Convert Your Sole Proprietorship or LLP to a Private Limited Company?

It is wise to convert your sole proprietorship or Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) to a Singapore private limited company. Other than helping you expand your business, it limits your liability risk, protects your assets, helps you attract investors, enjoys corporate tax incentives and draws high-quality talent’s attention. While it is always advisable to choose the […]
Ultimate Guide: Company Incorporation by Foreigners (2022 Update)

Singapore has a reputation for being one of the easiest places to start a business for decades now. Singapore allows foreigners to be 100% shareholders of their company and move to Singapore on an EntrePass or Employment to work and reside here. The process for registering the business is as straightforward as for locals. Still, […]
Ultimate Guide: Company Incorporation by Locals (2022 Update)

Finally, you have reached the final stage, and the most important stage of starting your business – that is actually registering your company. After so much hard work and planning, it’s time to get the ball rolling. The registration process is simple and takes around 15 minutes to complete. All you need to do is […]