Looking to establish a non-profit organization in Singapore?

Why choose a Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG)?
Basic Compliance Requirements:
- The CLG’s governing board must comprise a minimum of three members.
- Articulation of the organization’s goals and objectives, delineating the desired achievements within the entity, is essential.
- A registered office address within Singapore is necessary for official communications and notifications.
- Compliance with the Companies Act and other relevant legislation overseen by ACRA is obligatory.
- Within three months of establishment, the CLG must engage the services of a company auditor.
- A company secretary must be appointed within six months of incorporation.
- Annual tax returns must be submitted to IRAS by 30th November.
- Annual returns must be lodged with ACRA within 30 days following the annual general meeting (AGM).
Tax Exemptions:
- Companies limited by guarantee (CLGs) are subject to corporate tax at the prevailing rate of 17% on their chargeable income unless they meet the criteria for tax exemption.
- To qualify for tax exemption, a CLG must fulfil specific conditions and secure charity status from the relevant authorities. The application for charity status can be submitted via the Charity Portal.
- Qualifying conditions include registration as a charity with the Commissioner of Charities (COC) or as an Institution of a Public Character (IPC) under the oversight of the relevant Sector Administrator (SA).
- The CLG must exclusively pursue charitable objectives that benefit the broader community in Singapore, avoiding any narrow or sectional interests.
- Utilization of income and assets should be solely dedicated to charitable purposes, with no distribution to members.
- Adherence to regulatory requirements set forth by the COC, SA, Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA), and Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) is mandatory.
Our Fee Guide
Incorporation Package for
Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG)

Quick Starter
Incorporation + 1-Year Named Secretary + 1st AGM/AR + Govt Fees included
What Do I Get
- Company Registration Service
- ACRA Government Fee $315
- Secretary Package (12 Months)
All Incorporation Documents
- ACRA Company Profile
- E-Notice of Incorporation
- 1st Directors’ Resolutions
- 1st RORC Registration
Our comprehensive services includein 3 simple steps
We provide expert guidance on choosing the right structure for your non-profit organisation set up and fulfilling regulatory obligations.
Document preparation
Our team assists in preparing all necessary documents for the incorporation of the Non-profit organisation.
We handle the submission of your charities' registration documents to the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA).
watch our video your journey with us begins here!

Additional services you might need
Get your company registered, bank account opened along with all compliances sorted for the year ahead with the click of a button.

Annual Return Filing

Company Registered Address
Every Singapore company is required by law to have a valid Singapore address as registered address of the company.
Read more here

CorpPass Registration
Required for online corporate transactions with the government (SingPass is also required).
OCBC Start Digital Pack
Discover bundle solutions for starting a business

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Frequently Asked Questions
At least one member, a registered office address in Singapore, and at least one resident director are required to form a CLG and set-up a Non-profit organisation.
Once you set-up charities, the board of directors is responsible for the management and governance of the CLG, ensuring compliance with laws and regulations, and fulfilling the organization’s objectives.