Business Encyclopedia


Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA)
Audited Financial Statement
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Annual Report (AR)
Articles of Association


Business Grants Portal
Business Visa For Singapore
Business Profile


Central Provident Fund (CPF)
Certificate Of Residence (COR)
Common Reporting Standard
Common Seal
Companies Act (Cap. 50)
Company Constitution
Company Secretary
Company Stamp


Declaration of Solvency
Dependant’s Pass
Directors’ Resolution in Writing (DRIW)
Dormant Company
Double Taxation Agreement (DTA)
Due Diligence


Electronic Register of Members (eROM)
Employment Pass (EP)
Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)
Estimated Chargeable Income (ECI)
Exempt Private Company (EPC)


Financial Year End (FYE)
Form 45
Form C-S/ C
Form C-S (Lite)
Fund Accounting


General Partnership
Goods and Services Tax (GST)


Hedge Fund


Import/Export License
Income Tax
Initial Public Offering (IPO)
Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS)
Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS)
Interim Dividend
IR21 Form
IR8A Form



Know Your Customer (KYC)
Knowledge Capital


Letter of Consent (LOC)
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
Limited Partnership (LP)
Liquidation (Court Order/Compulsory)
Liquidation (Voluntary)
Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP)


Ministry of Manpower (MOM)


Nominee Director
Nominee Shareholder
National Registration Identity Card (NIRC)
Notice of Assessment (NOA)



Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA)
Personalised Employment Pass (PEP)
Private limited company
Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG)
Permanent Resident (PR)


Quickbook Accounting


Register of Charges
Register of Nominee Director
Register of Registrable Controllers (RORC)
Registered Office Address


S Pass
Small Company
Sole Proprietor
Special Employment Credit
Sponsored Employment Pass
Striking Off


Temporary Bridging Loan
Temporary Employment Credit (TEC)


Unaudited financial statement
Undischarged Bankrupt


Variable Capital Company (VCC)
Venture Capitalist (VC)


Wage Credit Scheme
Withholding Tax (Section 45)




Year of Assessment (YA)


Zero Rated Supplies
Zero-rised Financial Statement

Company Constitution

The Company Constitution is a legal document between the company and its shareholders. It sets out the powers of the company during incorporation, as well as the rules and manners as to how business will carry out after incorporation. The document states:
  • the company name,
  • the type of business it will conduct,
  • the company’s total capital amount, and
  • the overall liability of the company.
The document also outlines the key purpose of the business, the rights and responsibilities of the directors, and how the company should operate.

History of Company Constitution

Previously, companies only had to comply with the Singapore Companies Act. This changed in 2015 when the Companies Act was updated. Now, the document is mandatory for any companies incorporated after 3 January 2016. All new company incorporation in Singapore must comply with the Company Constitution. Before the amendment of the Companies Act, the same function was served by 2 documents: Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association. The Company Constitution combines the content of the said 2 documents into a single document.

Complying to the Company Constitution

All businesses must submit the Company Constitution when incorporating the company. They must also follow all the terms stated in the document. Business owners have the option to create their own constitution. Alternatively, they can adopt the Model Constitution provided by ACRA. This will not only simplify the company’s administrative work but also lower the cost of establishing a company.

What to Consider when Preparing a Company Constitution?

The Company Constitution is essential in offering direction and discipline. Therefore, there are a few factors that business owners must keep in mind when drafting a constitution:
  • Mention attainable business objectives and goals for the company – This will fall under the Company Constitution’s Objects Clause.
  • Lay out a decision-making structure – This can help avoid conflict among members in the future. Having a structure is important if you want to implement the desired structure such as procedures for the directors’ election. It will also enforce all members to abide by compliance and legal regulations.
  • Set specific rules and regulations – These are unique clauses for your company. However, it is critical that these clauses are in line with the compliance and legal regulations.
  • Include mandatory sections – According to the Companies Act Section 22, there are some mandatory sections to be included in the Company Constitution. These sections include the Name Clause, the Subscriber Clause, and the Liability Clause.

What is included in a Company Constitution?

The Company Constitution must contain the following sections:
  • Name Clause: The company’s name
  • Liability Clause: A statement of liability must be included stating that members have limited liability if the company is limited by shares
  • Subscriber Clause: The full names, occupations, and addresses of all the members
  • A statement expressing that the mentioned members want to form a company (with a share capital) on the terms stated in the constitution and agreement to subscribe for the determined number of shares.
  • The total number of members at the time of registration.
  • For companies limited by guarantee, the Company Constitution must include a statement that its members are expected to contribute a certain amount if the company is getting dissolved.
  • For unlimited companies, a statement mentioning that the members have unlimited liability.
While the aforementioned conditions are mandatory for a Company Constitution, some other terms may be included. They are:
  • Organization and conduct of both board meetings and shareholder meetings
  • Appointment and removal of company directors
  • The powers and duties of directors
  • Issue, transfer, and allotment of shares. I.e. Include a clause to restrict the right to transfer shares or limit members to a maximum of 50 for private companies.
  • Distribution and capitalization of the company’s profits
  • Distribution of any surplus assets in case the company is dissolved