CorpPass is a corporate digital identity for businesses and other entities (such as non-profit organisations and associations) to transact with Government agencies online. Managed by Government Technology Agency (GovTech), CorpPass is the single login method for G2B transactions from 1 September 2018.
CorpPass Login Website:
Roles of CorpPass
Companies had previously provided feedback that some employees shared their SingPass details with one another to conduct company transactions. So, CorpPass enhances cyber hygiene by allowing employees to use their CorpPass, instead of SingPass, to transact on their company’s behalf.
CorpPass also allows business owners greater control, with the flexibility of granting employees separate roles to access government digital services. It also allows companies greater convenience and visibility, by providing a single platform to grant and manage the authorizations given to their employees across all government digital services.
CorpPass has also been made available to foreign registered entities and individuals without SingPass, to transact with selected government agencies in Singapore.
If you wish to reduce the hassle, HeySara can act as your local CorpPass administrator, if needed.